Material Factors and Targets
We review the materiality topics annually and conduct regular materiality assessments to identify the ESG factors most relevant to our business and key stakeholders. We survey both internal and external stakeholders, analyse and consolidate their responses, and then rank the identified material topics by significance, creating a materiality matrix.
The last materiality assessment was completed in July 2022. In FY2024, the Board and management reviewed and confirmed 10 material topics, with revisions to ensure greater alignment to our commitments. Environmental Compliance will now be reported under Regulatory Compliance, and Anti-Corruption will be reported under Business Ethics.
The identified material aspects and indicators are mapped out in the table below.
Categories | Material Topic | U.N. Sustainable Development Goal Mapping | Targets |
Build a Sustainable Business | Economic Performance |
SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth |
Perpetual Target:
Act Responsibly | Energy and Emissions |
SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure |
Short-term Target:
Medium-term Target:
Long-term Target:
Water and Effluents |
Short-term Target:
Medium-term Target:
Long-term Target:
Waste |
Short-term Target:
Medium-term Target:
Promote Well-being | Occupational Health and Safety |
SDG 3: Good health and well-being |
Perpetual Target:
Employment, Training and Education |
Perpetual Target:
Diversity and Equal Opportunity |
Perpetual Target:
Local Communities |
Perpetual Target:
Operate Ethically | Business Ethics |
SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions |
Perpetual Target:
Regulatory and Environmental compliance |
Perpetual Target: